Carefully designed play environments indoors and out

At My Little Kingdom Day Nursery we fully support the concept of the Forest School Approach to
learning. Both our outdoor and indoor areas carefully reflect the natural environment.

Our design ensures children have adequate space to move freely between the different activities,
with separate areas for sleeping, eating and cooking.

Children will have direct access to the garden and have the choice to play where their interest takes
them. The garden is natural and has thoughtfully designed areas which complement the play
environment inside.

The theory behind being outdoors, is that it allows children to connect with nature promoting health and well-being.

The Little Plant

(From the "Plant Baby and Its Friends.")

“In the heart of a seed,
Buried deep, so deep,
A dear little plant
Lay fast asleep.

‘Wake,’ said the sunshine,
‘And creep to the light,’
‘Wake,’ said the voice
Of the rain-drops bright.

The little plant heard
And it rose to see
What the wonderful
Outside world would be. “

Kate L. Brown.

My Little Kingdom Day Nursery
Telephone: 01661 834 888

The Old Miners Hall
Stonyflat Bank
NE42 5EP

Opening hours
Mon to Fri 7:30am – 6:00pm

© Copyright 2019 My Little Kingdom Day Nursery